Beranda Berita Turis Asing Dideportasi Usai Protes Bising Warga Mengaji di Masjid NTB

Turis Asing Dideportasi Usai Protes Bising Warga Mengaji di Masjid NTB

Turis di Indonesia

A foreign tourist with the initials ER from France was deported or returned to his country after committing a disturbance. This was because ER entered the mosque wearing sandals and protested loudly while residents were reciting the Koran or tadarusan. This action made residents and officers of the Nurul Huda Mosque in Batu Bolong Hamlet, Batulayar District report him, so that ER was caught at his residence in the Green Valley Housing Complex, Senggigi, West Lombok on Tuesday (3/28). Head of the Information and Communication Technology Section of the Class I TPI Mataram Immigration Office, Slamet Wahono, confirmed that ER had been deported from NTB.

According to the Head of Information Technology and Communication Section of the Class I TPI Mataram Immigration Office, Slamet Wahono, the Nurul Huda Mosque, where ER lives, is nearby. Although ER did not get into a fistfight with the mosque administrators, ER had an argument with them because of his disagreement with the loud noise during recess.

However, when reprimanded by residents, ER did not listen to the reprimand. Slamet also added that ER had asked about the source of the noise that disturbed his rest time. Residents who did not accept ER’s behavior then recorded it in a video. However, ER actually gave them opposing behavior and got angry.

After investigating reports from residents, Immigration together with the NTB Regional Police’s Intelligence Directorate finally found and secured ER at his home on Tuesday (27/3).

According to data from Immigration, ER entered Indonesia through I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport on Sunday (5/3) with a Visa on Arrival. However, on Sunday (2/4), ER was deported for violating Article 75 paragraph 1 of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration and will also be subject to deterrence. Slamet said that ER was deported on April 1, 2023 through Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. While waiting for the time of deportation, ER was placed in detention at the Immigration Office.